November 22, 2022

With Thanksgiving in a couple of days, I have been thinking about the importance of family. Family can include different people, not just those we are related to through blood or marriage. Family can be those in your faith community or even close friends. The idea of the family is those people in your life that love you no matter what and will always be there for you. They are the people we can lean on when we are struggling for support.

The family is people in your life that help you when straying from God and from the teachings of Jesus Christ. In turn, we must be that kind of person for others, a family member that can be leaned on in times of trouble. During this Advent season of preparation for the coming of Christ, we should reflect. Are we being good family members? Are we being good faith community members? If needed, can we change things?

I hope you all have a blessed, great, and safe Thanksgiving. Enjoy the time with family and friends, and remember to leave room for Christ, the unwavering family member in your lives.

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