March 1, 2023

Lent is upon us. Did you give something up for lent? This is time were we should be honing all of our spiritual practices. That is the idea of giving something up of meaning, it is a form of fasting. Instead of giving something up I am trying to build practices that will allow me to live a healthier life style.

There are other practices besides fasting. We should be praying and working on consisting setting time aside to pray. Many times the easiest is at meal time. We all have to eat so why not say a prayer before we eat.

Another spiritual practice is reading scripture. Again we have to set time aside to engage is scripture reading that is not rushed. It should be a time that allows to reflect on the reading. The perfect opportunity would be in small bible groups or faith groups. These groups can meet weekly or even a couple times a month.

The last practice to talk about is service. We are called to serve in the name Jesus Christ. To show love to others and walk along side them in their struggles. Part of our service can also be serving in the church.

Spiritual practices do not need to be performed everyday but should be consistent and that is what part of Lent is about. To prepare ourselves for the Easter and to find ways to commune with God.

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