April 11 2023

How was your Easter? Are you able to settle back into a routine after the holiday? Should you settle back into a routine? God presents us with opportunities to change daily; however, like me, many people usually miss those small openings. But if we break our patterns and start to build in time to pay attention to God, we may not miss as much. I am trying to implement time each day to just get away and enjoy something. Some have seen me leave the church in the middle of the day to go down to the park to fish. This is an excellent opportunity to listen to my heart and what is happening around me.

The Easter season goes on for another six weeks ending with Pentecost. This was when the disciples went through a drastic metamorphosis because of the intervention of the Holy Spirit. It worked because they were prepared and waiting for it. Are we prepared for the Holy Spirit to act in our lives? Most of us want to say yes, of course, but in reality, we are not, and this is why we miss God in small ways daily.

This week we start the Discipleship Program with a meeting on Thursday. This program will help people gain tools to go deeper in faith. We will work on tools and ideas to shift the church to a disciple-creating community. Some of the things we will discuss during this meeting and subsequent ones are as follows: prayer, small faith groups, leadership, bible studies, faith education (adult and children), hospitality, worship (styles and needs), service, missional engagement, community outreach, social justice, and other issues that impact our faith.

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