Mission to Guatemala
Trips to Guatemala are continually being planned. Currently, the hope is to take a team in 2023 consisting of 8-12 people. While in Guatemala, the team works with a group called Bethel Ministries International (a US 501C). We typically visit an orphanage and fix wheelchairs for children with disabilities and distribute wheelchairs to selected community 25-50 chairs as well as crutches and walkers. We also build modular metal homes, and visit 8-12 homes and help with food and clothing for families in need. The cost is usually $1800-$2500 per person depending on participation and fundraising for the trip.

People have asked why Guatemala? The answer is simple; we go for the same reason they are fleeing. Poverty levels are extreme, with some families trying to survive on just a couple of US dollars per week. Like the lepers we read about in the Bible, persons with disabilities of all ages are social pariahs because they drain already resource-stressed family units.
Being able to change hearts, build relationships with these people and their families, and come alongside them to help long-term, is the reason I have been going for five years now and will continue to go as long as I am capable.
Once teams are organized, there will be a few optional teaching sessions consisting of bible studies about mission work, the different callings regarding mission, and cultural lessons of Guatemala, including a few key phrases, history, and current social issues.

Please contact Camillus First office if you and your church want to hear more about these opportunities to transform the world. The Pastor will gladly travel and give a presentation. If you are interested in going or supporting the trip in other ways, let the office know immediately (315-672-3051 or office@Camillus1st.org). Trips only happen if enough people commit to going.
We are always looking for donations of Wheel Chairs, walkers and crutches.