Free Brown Bag Lunches

Brown Bag Lunch Program – 2024
Beginning Wednesday, June 26 at 11 AM – 1 PM
and every Wednesday thereafter until August 28 2024

This year marks the thirteenth year that the Camillus First United Methodist Church has sponsored the Free Brown Bag Lunch Program. Our summer feeding program was originally organized to supplement the free school lunch, but during our feasibility study, we realized that food insecurity does not have boundaries.

Our mission is: To care for our neighbors, as well as promote healthy eating habits, serving all who come with no eligibility requirements and no prejudice.

The Free Brown Bag Lunch Program has evolved to be a community outreach sustained by our community. Financial support is derived from a partnership with the Foodbank of CNY, grants, fundraisers, and contributions from individuals, local businesses, organizations, memorial bequests and eight churches, We are blessed to work with an ecumenical group of volunteers and there is no paid staff.

We offer nutritious lunch and breakfast items available for immediate use and to-go boxes for the days we are not serving. Each year we have been able to enhance our serving, and in 2022 we instituted a delivery service for those who are unable to access our facility. Since our inception in 2011, we have served 72,178 lunches. Our goal in 2023 was to serve 7,500 lunches – and we exceeded that goal with a total of 8,621 lunches. We will always strive to serve as many lunches as we are capable of providing. The serving schedule for 2024 begins June 26th and is offered every Wednesday from 11:00 AM until 1:00 PM. We will continue through August 28.

We ask that you consider The Free Brown Bag Lunch Program in your Mission giving. Contributions can be made to: Camillus First United Methodist Church – Brown Bag Program, 12 Genesee Street, Camillus, NY 13031.

Working together we will continue to make a difference in the lives of others showing God’s love in a practical way. Thank you for being part of the solution to solving the problem of food insecurity in our area.


Jean Whipple and Judy Barkley, Program Coordinators